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Version: 1.2

Continuum proxy reference

The Continuum proxy verifies a third-party Continuum deployment and handles prompt encryption and API authentication on behalf of its users.

continuum-proxy [flags]


      --apiEndpoint string    The endpoint for the Continuum API (default "")
--apiKey string The API key for the Continuum API. If no key is set, the verifier will not authenticate with the API.
--asEndpoint string The endpoint of the attestation service. (default "")
--disableUpdate By default the manifest is auto-updated when the Continuum manifest changes. The update behavior can be disabled with this flag.
-h, --help help for continuum-proxy
-l, --log-level string set logging level (debug, info, warn, error, or a number) (default "info")
--manifestPath string The path for the manifest file. If not provided, the manifest will be read from the remote source.
--port string The port on which the verifier listens for incoming API requests. (default "8080")
--tlsCertPath string The path to the TLS certificate. If not provided, the server will start without TLS.
--tlsKeyPath string The path to the TLS key. If not provided, the server will start without TLS.
--workspace string The path into which the binary writes files. This includes the manifest log data in the 'manifests' subdirectory. (default ".")