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This page outlines the configuration options for defining a Continuum deployment.

Manifest definition

The manifest set by the init command includes policies for the Attestation Service (AS) and worker nodes that should be enforced during attestation.

The manifest allows specifying CPU policies for both the AS and worker nodes. Additionally, for worker nodes, the manifest allows specifying GPU policies.



See the AMD documentation for more information on select fields.

debugboolSpecifies whether the instance is allowed to run in debug mode.
smtboolSpecifies whether the instance is allowed to run with Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) enabled.
vmplintSpecifies the Virtual Machine Privilege Level (VMPL) the attestation is generated at.
bootloaderSPLuint8The lowest acceptable bootloader security patch level (SPL).
teeSPLuint8The lowest acceptable TEE security patch level (SPL).
snpSPLuint8The lowest acceptable SNP security patch level (SPL).
microcodeSPLuint8The lowest acceptable microcode security patch level (SPL).
permitProvisionalFirmwareboolIf true, allows the committed TCB, build, and API values to be less than or equal to the current values. If false, committed and current values must be equal.
trustedIDKeyHashes[][]byteA list of hashes of trusted ID keys. If set, the attestation report must contain one of the hashes.
productstringThe product name of the AMD chip used to enable SEV-SNP. One of Genoa / Milan.
amdRootKeystringThe X.509 AMD Root Key certificate used to verify the SEV-SNP certificate chain.
amdSigningKeystringThe X.509 AMD Signing Key certificate used to verify the SEV-SNP VCEK / VLEK certificate.
attestationVariantstringThe attestation type to use. One of generic-sev-snp.


Nvidia Hopper

See Nvidia's Attestation Documentation for more details.

debugboolSpecifies whether the GPU is allowed to run in CC debug mode. Setting this to true will allow both debug and non-debug enabled GPUs.
secureBootboolSpecifies if the GPU is required to run with secure boot enabled.
eatVersionstringSpecifies the expected EAT version.
driverVersions[]stringA list of allowed driver versions for the GPU.
vbiosVersions[]stringA list of allowed vBIOS versions for the GPU.

Worker secret definition

The secret set command sends user defined inference secrets to the Attestation Service, which takes care of deploying them to worker nodes. The command takes a simple TOML file containing a mapping of IDs to hex-encoded AES keys (16, 24, or 32 bytes), the inference secrets:

16_byte_key = '0123456789abcdef'
24_byte_key = '0123456789abcdef01234567'
32_byte_key = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef'