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Version: 0.7


The Contrast Coordinator can expose metrics in the Prometheus format. These can be monitored to quickly identify problems in the gRPC layer or attestation errors. Prometheus metrics are numerical values associated with a name and additional key/values pairs, called labels.

Exposed metrics

The metrics can be accessed at the Coordinator pod at the port specified in the CONTRAST_METRICS_PORT environment variable under the /metrics endpoint. By default, this environment variable isn't specified, hence no metrics will be exposed.

The Coordinator starts two gRPC servers, one for the user API on port 1313 and one for the mesh API on port 7777. Metrics for both servers can be accessed using different prefixes.

All metric names for the user API are prefixed with contrast_userapi_grpc_server_. Exposed metrics include the number of handled requests of the methods SetManifest and GetManifest, which get called when setting the manifest and verifying the Coordinator respectively. For each method you can see the gRPC status code indicating whether the request succeeded or not and the request latency.

For the mesh API, the metric names are prefixed with contrast_meshapi_grpc_server_. The metrics include similar data to the user API for the method NewMeshCert which gets called by the Initializer when starting a new workload. Attestation failures from workloads to the Coordinator can be tracked with the counter contrast_meshapi_attestation_failures.

The current manifest generation is exposed as a gauge with the metric name contrast_coordinator_manifest_generation. If no manifest is set at the Coordinator, this counter will be zero.

Service Mesh metrics

The Service Mesh can be configured to expose metrics via its Envoy admin interface. Be aware that the admin interface can expose private information and allows destructive operations to be performed. To enable the admin interface for the Service Mesh, set the annotation in the configuration of your workload. If this annotation is set, the admin interface will be started on this port.

To access the admin interface, the ingress settings of the Service Mesh have to be configured to allow access to the specified port (see Configuring the Proxy). All metrics will be exposed under the /stats endpoint. Metrics in Prometheus format can be scraped from the /stats/prometheus endpoint.