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This section contains information on how to debug your Contrast deployment.


Collecting logs can be a good first step to identify problems in your deployment. Both the CLI and the Contrast Coordinator as well as the Initializer can be configured to emit additional logs.


The CLI logs can be configured with the --log-level command-line flag, which can be set to either debug, info, warn or error. The default is info. Setting this to debug can get more fine-grained information as to where the problem lies.

Coordinator and Initializer

The logs from the Coordinator and the Initializer can be configured via the environment variables CONTRAST_LOG_LEVEL, CONTRAST_LOG_FORMAT and CONTRAST_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS.

  • CONTRAST_LOG_LEVEL can be set to one of either debug, info, warn, or error, similar to the CLI (defaults to info).
  • CONTRAST_LOG_FORMAT can be set to text or json, determining the output format (defaults to text).
  • CONTRAST_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS is a comma-seperated list of subsystems that should be enabled for logging, which are disabled by default. Subsystems include: snp-issuer, kds-getter, and snp-validator. To enable all subsystems, use * as the value for this environment variable.

Warnings and error messages from subsystems get printed regardless of whether the subsystem is listed in the CONTRAST_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS environment variable.

Coordinator debug logging

To configure debug logging with all subsystems for your Coordinator, add the following variables to your container definition.

spec: # v1.PodSpec
image: ""
name: coordinator
value: debug
value: "*"
# ...

To access the logs generated by the Coordinator, you can use kubectl with the following command.

kubectl logs <coordinator-pod-name>

Pod fails on startup

If the Coordinator or a workload pod fails to even start, it can be helpful to look at the events of the pod during the startup process using the describe command.

kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

Example output:

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning Failed 20s kubelet Error: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: "CreateContainerRequest is blocked by policy: ...

In this example, the container creation was blocked by a policy. This suggests that a policy hasn't been updated to accommodate recent changes to the configuration. Make sure to run contrast generate when altering your deployment.