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Known limitations

Most Go apps can be compiled and run with EGo without modifications. However, there are some limitations:

  • An EGo app is a single process. Spawning other processes isn't possible.
  • A nil pointer dereference aborts the process without calling deferred functions.
  • cgo support is experimental
    • Libraries must be statically linked. Shared objects are unsupported.
    • Libraries must be compiled with -fPIC
  • Stripped executables (e.g., ego-go build -ldflags -s) are unsupported

(Partially) unsupported packages

These usually compile, but return an error at runtime.

  • os: Pipe and StartProcess are unsupported
  • os/exec: spawning processes is unsupported
  • os/signal: signals aren't passed to the enclave

cgo: Unsupported libc functions

Using these functions causes a build, sign, or runtime error.

  • exec family
  • fork
  • pipe
  • posix_spawn
  • mmap: partially supported; memory-mapped files are unsupported

Different behavior


statfs returns dummy values, regardless of the path. This ensures that existing code that unconditionally trusts the call's result can be used securely.

You can request the values from the host by prefixing the path with /edg/hostfs, e.g.

  • statfs("/edg/hostfs/", &statbuf) requests info for host path /
  • statfs("/edg/hostfs/foo/bar", &statbuf) requests info for host path /foo/bar

Note that this ignores configured mounts.

Be aware that the returned result isn't trustworthy. You must check the values before taking actions on them.