Recovering the Coordinator
Different situations require the recovery of the Coordinator. If the Coordinator fails to unseal its state, it will enter recovery mode.
Use distributed Coordinator instances to reduce the occurrence of events that require manual recovery.
You need the corresponding private key to the RecoveryKeys
defined in the manifest and the recovery secret returned to you during the initial upload of the manifest.
If you don't want or can't recover the old state, you can also dismiss it by uploading a new manifest. The old state will be overwritten on disk, and recovery won't be available anymore.
To recover the Coordinator, you need to decode your recovery secret and upload it using the MarbleRun CLI.
Assuming you named your recovery key recoverKey1
in the manifest, and you saved the output from the manifest upload step in a file called recovery_data
, decode your secret with the following command:
jq -r '.RecoverySecrets.recoverKey1' recovery_data | openssl base64 -d > recovery_key_encrypted
Then decrypt and upload the extracted secret using the MarbleRun CLI:
marblerun recover recovery_key_encrypted $MARBLERUN --key private_key.pem
On success, the Coordinator applies the sealed state again. If the Coordinator can't restore the state with the uploaded key, an error will be returned in the logs, and the recovery endpoint will stay open for further interaction.
Multi-party recovery
This feature is an option with MarbleRun Enterprise.
If you've configured your MarbleRun deployment for multi-party recovery, send each party the corresponding recovery secret. Ask them to perform the steps above. Once all parties have uploaded their secrets, the Coordinator recovers the sealed state and continues its operations.
If your MarbleRun deployment uses distributed Coordinator instances, make sure all parties send their secrets to the same Coordinator instance. One way to achieve this is scaling the Coordinator to a single instance:
kubectl scale --replicas=1 -n marblerun deployment/marblerun-coordinator
After recovery, you can scale the Coordinator back to the desired number of instances.
The following gives an example of a multi-party recovery workflow.
Assume the following RecoveryKeys
were set in the manifest:
"RecoveryKeys": {
"alice": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAk/6gfFF+cbcTlj8MT+4M\njjpM+suTwNM9gjv47EAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"bob": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAsnOEAvynVrbgLdp0lwcp\nk2k04+n4op6tp1Yw2OaDbEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
The Coordinator returned the following
:$ marblerun manifest set manifest.json $MARBLERUN
{"RecoverySecrets":{"alice":"EbkX/skIPrJISf8PiXdzRIKnwQyJ+VejtGzHGfES5NIPuCeEFedqgCVDk=","bob":"bvPzio4A4SvzeHajsb+dFDpDarErcU9wMR0V9hyHtG2lC4ZfyrYjDBE7wtis3eOPgDaMG/HCt="}} -
Alice decrypts and uploads her recovery key using her private key
as follows:$ marblerun status $MARBLERUN
1: Coordinator is in recovery mode. Either upload a key to unseal the saved state, or set a new manifest. For more information on how to proceed, consult the documentation.
$ echo "EbkX/skIPrJISf8PiXdzRIKnwQyJ+VejtGzHGfES5NIPuCeEFedqgCVDk=" > recovery_data
$ openssl base64 -d -in recovery_data > recovery_key_encrypted
$ marblerun recover recovery_key_encrypted $MARBLERUN --key private_key.pem
Successfully verified Coordinator, now uploading key
Secret was processed successfully. Upload the next secret. Remaining secrets: 1The Coordinator log shows the following:
{"level":"info","ts":1674206799.524596,"caller":"clientapi/clientapi.go:234","msg":"Recover called"}
{"level":"info","ts":1674206799.524596,"caller":"clientapi/clientapi.go:253","msg":"Recover: recovery incomplete, more keys needed","remaining":1} -
Bob does the same with his key to complete the recovery procedure:
$ marblerun status $MARBLERUN
1: Coordinator is in recovery mode. Either upload a key to unseal the saved state, or set a new manifest. For more information on how to proceed, consult the documentation.
$ echo "bvPzio4A4SvzeHajsb+dFDpDarErcU9wMR0V9hyHtG2lC4ZfyrYjDBE7wtis3eOPgDaMG/HCt=" > recovery_data
$ openssl base64 -d -in recovery_data > recovery_key_encrypted
$ marblerun recover recovery_key_encrypted $MARBLERUN --key private_key.pem
Successfully verified Coordinator, now uploading key
Recovery successful.
$ marblerun status $MARBLERUN
3: Coordinator is running correctly and ready to accept marbles.The Coordinator log shows the following:
{"level":"info","ts":1674206836.5523517,"caller":"clientapi/clientapi.go:234","msg":"Recover called"}
{"level":"info","ts":1674206836.5563517,"caller":"core/core.go:261","msg":"generating quote"}
{"level":"info","ts":1674206836.6043515,"caller":"clientapi/clientapi.go:281","msg":"Recover successful"}