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Version: 1.0

Confidential emoji voting

screenshot of the emojivoto UI

This tutorial guides you through deploying emojivoto as a confidential Contrast deployment and validating the deployment from a voters perspective.

Emojivoto is an example app allowing users to vote for different emojis and view votes on a leader board. It has a microservice architecture consisting of a web frontend (web), a gRPC backend for listing available emojis (emoji), and a backend for the voting and leader board logic (voting). The vote-bot simulates user traffic by submitting votes to the frontend.

emojivoto components topology


Using a voting service, users' votes are considered highly sensitive data, as we require a secret ballot. Also, users are likely interested in the fairness of the ballot. For both requirements, we can use Confidential Computing and, specifically, workload attestation to prove to those interested in voting that the app is running in a protected environment where their votes are processed without leaking to the platform provider or workload owner.


Steps to deploy emojivoto with Contrast

Downloading the deployment

The emojivoto deployment files are part of Contrast release. You can download the latest deployment by running:

curl -fLO --create-dirs --output-dir deployment

Deploy the Contrast runtime

Contrast depends on a custom Kubernetes RuntimeClass (contrast-cc), which needs to be installed in the cluster prior to the Coordinator or any confidential workloads. This consists of a RuntimeClass resource and a DaemonSet that performs installation on worker nodes. This step is only required once for each version of the runtime. It can be shared between Contrast deployments.

kubectl apply -f

Deploy the Contrast Coordinator

Deploy the Contrast Coordinator, comprising a single replica deployment and a LoadBalancer service, into your cluster:

kubectl apply -f

Generate policy annotations and manifest

Run the generate command to generate the execution policies and add them as annotations to your deployment files. A manifest.json file with the reference values of your deployment will be created:

contrast generate --reference-values aks-clh-snp deployment/
Runtime class and Initializer

The deployment YAML shipped for this demo is already configured to be used with Contrast. A runtime class contrast-cc-<platform>-<runtime-hash> was added to the pods to signal they should be run as Confidential Containers. During the generation process, the Contrast Initializer will be added as an init container to these workloads to facilitate the attestation and certificate pulling before the actual workload is started.

Further, the deployment YAML is also configured with the Contrast service mesh. The configured service mesh proxy provides transparent protection for the communication between the different components of emojivoto.

Set the manifest

Configure the coordinator with a manifest. It might take up to a few minutes for the load balancer to be created and the Coordinator being available.

coordinator=$(kubectl get svc coordinator -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
echo "The user API of your Contrast Coordinator is available at $coordinator:1313"
contrast set -c "${coordinator}:1313" deployment/

The CLI will use the reference values from the manifest to attest the Coordinator deployment during the TLS handshake. If the connection succeeds, it's ensured that the Coordinator deployment hasn't been tampered with.

Deploy emojivoto

Now that the coordinator has a manifest set, which defines the emojivoto deployment as an allowed workload, we can deploy the application:

kubectl apply -f deployment/
Inter-deployment communication

The Contrast Coordinator issues mesh certificates after successfully validating workloads. These certificates can be used for secure inter-deployment communication. The Initializer sends an attestation report to the Coordinator, retrieves certificates and a private key in return and writes them to a volumeMount. The service mesh sidecar is configured to use the credentials from the volumeMount when communicating with other parts of the deployment over mTLS. The public facing frontend for voting uses the mesh certificate without client authentication.

Voter's perspective: Verifying the ballot

As voters, we want to verify the fairness and confidentiality of the deployment before deciding to vote. Regardless of the scale of our distributed deployment, Contrast only needs a single remote attestation step to verify the deployment. By doing remote attestation of the Coordinator, we transitively verify those systems the Coordinator has already attested or will attest in the future. Successful verification of the Coordinator means that we can be sure it will enforce the configured manifest.

Attest the Coordinator

A potential voter can verify the Contrast deployment using the verify command:

contrast verify -c "${coordinator}:1313" -m manifest.json

The CLI will attest the Coordinator using the reference values from a given manifest. This manifest needs to be communicated out of band to everyone wanting to verify the deployment, as the verify command checks if the currently active manifest at the Coordinator matches the manifest given to the CLI. If the command succeeds, the Coordinator deployment was successfully verified to be running in the expected Confidential Computing environment with the expected code version. The Coordinator will then return its configuration over the established TLS channel. The CLI will store this information, namely the root certificate of the mesh (mesh-ca.pem) and the history of manifests, into the verify/ directory. In addition, the policies referenced in the manifest history are also written into the same directory.

Manifest history and artifact audit

In the next step, the Coordinator configuration that was written by the verify command needs to be audited. A potential voter should inspect the manifest and the referenced policies. They could delegate this task to an entity they trust.

Confidential connection to the attested workload

After ensuring the configuration of the Coordinator fits the expectation, you can securely connect to the workloads using the Coordinator's mesh-ca.pem as a trusted CA certificate.

To access the web frontend, expose the service on a public IP address via a LoadBalancer service:

frontendIP=$(kubectl get svc web-svc -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
echo "Frontend is available at https://$frontendIP, you can visit it in your browser."

Using openssl, the certificate of the service can be validated with the mesh-ca.pem:

openssl s_client -CAfile verify/mesh-ca.pem -verify_return_error -connect ${frontendIP}:443 < /dev/null

Certificate SAN and manifest update (optional)

By default, mesh certificates are issued with a wildcard DNS entry. The web frontend is accessed via load balancer IP in this demo. Tools like curl check the certificate for IP entries in the subject alternative name (SAN) field. Validation fails since the certificate contains no IP entries as a SAN. For example, a connection attempt using the curl and the mesh CA certificate with throw the following error:

$ curl --cacert ./verify/mesh-ca.pem "https://${frontendIP}:443"
curl: (60) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

Configure the service SAN in the manifest

The Policies section of the manifest maps policy hashes to a list of SANs. To enable certificate verification of the web frontend with tools like curl, edit the policy with your favorite editor and add the frontendIP to the list that already contains the "web" DNS entry:

   "Policies": {
"99dd77cbd7fe2c4e1f29511014c14054a21a376f7d58a48d50e9e036f4522f6b": {
"SANs": [
- "*"
+ "*",
+ ""
"WorkloadSecretID": "web"

Update the manifest

Next, set the changed manifest at the coordinator with:

contrast set -c "${coordinator}:1313" deployment/

The Contrast Coordinator will rotate the mesh ca certificate on the manifest update. Workload certificates issued after the manifest update are thus issued by another certificate authority and services receiving the new CA certificate chain won't trust parts of the deployment that got their certificate issued before the update. This way, Contrast ensures that parts of the deployment that received a security update won't be infected by parts of the deployment at an older patch level that may have been compromised. The mesh-ca.pem is updated with the new CA certificate chain.

Rolling out the update

The Coordinator has the new manifest set, but the different containers of the app are still using the older certificate authority. The Contrast Initializer terminates after the initial attestation flow and won't pull new certificates on manifest updates.

To roll out the update, use:

kubectl rollout restart deployment/emoji
kubectl rollout restart deployment/vote-bot
kubectl rollout restart deployment/voting
kubectl rollout restart deployment/web

After the update has been rolled out, connecting to the frontend using curl will successfully validate the service certificate and return the HTML document of the voting site:

curl --cacert ./mesh-ca.pem "https://${frontendIP}:443"