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Version: 1.1

Create a cluster


  • Install version 2.44.1 or newer of the Azure CLI. Note that your package manager will likely install an outdated version.
  • Install a recent version of kubectl.

Prepare using the AKS preview

First, log in to your Azure subscription:

az login

CoCo on AKS is currently in preview. An extension for the az CLI is needed to create such a cluster. Add the extension with the following commands:

az extension add \
--name aks-preview \
--allow-preview true
az extension update \
--name aks-preview \
--allow-preview true

Then register the required feature flags in your subscription to allow access to the public preview:

az feature register \
--namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" \
--name "KataCcIsolationPreview"

The registration can take a few minutes. The status of the operation can be checked with the following command, which should show the registration state as Registered:

az feature show \
--namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService" \
--name "KataCcIsolationPreview" \
--output table

Afterward, refresh the registration of the ContainerService provider:

az provider register \
--namespace "Microsoft.ContainerService"

Create resource group

The AKS with CoCo preview is currently available in the following locations:


Set the name of the resource group you want to use:


You can either use an existing one or create a new resource group with the following command:

azLocation="westus" # Select a location from the list above

az group create \
--name "${azResourceGroup:?}" \
--location "${azLocation:?}"

Create AKS cluster

First, create a CoCo enabled AKS cluster with:

# Select the name for your AKS cluster

az aks create \
--resource-group "${azResourceGroup:?}" \
--name "${azClusterName:?}" \
--kubernetes-version 1.30 \
--os-sku AzureLinux \
--node-vm-size Standard_DC4as_cc_v5 \
--workload-runtime KataCcIsolation \
--node-count 1 \

Finally, update your kubeconfig with the credentials to access the cluster:

az aks get-credentials \
--resource-group "${azResourceGroup:?}" \
--name "${azClusterName:?}"

For validation, list the available nodes using kubectl:

kubectl get nodes

It should show a single node:

NAME                                STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
aks-nodepool1-32049705-vmss000000 Ready <none> 9m47s v1.29.0

🥳 Congratulations. You're now ready to set up your first application with Contrast. Follow this example to learn how.


After trying out Contrast, you might want to clean up the cloud resources created in this step. In case you've created a new resource group, you can just delete that group with

az group delete \
--name "${azResourceGroup:?}"

Deleting the resource group will also delete the cluster and all other related resources.

To only cleanup the AKS cluster and node pools, run

az aks delete \
--resource-group "${azResourceGroup:?}" \
--name "${azClusterName:?}"