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Version: 1.1

Contrast security overview

This document outlines the security measures of Contrast and its capability to counter various threats. Contrast is designed to shield entire Kubernetes deployments from the infrastructure, enabling entities to manage sensitive information (such as regulated or personally identifiable information (PII)) in the public cloud, while maintaining data confidentiality and ownership.

Contrast is applicable in situations where establishing trust with the workload operator or the underlying infrastructure is challenging. This is particularly beneficial for regulated sectors looking to transition sensitive activities to the cloud, without sacrificing security or compliance. It allows for cloud adoption by maintaining a hardware-based separation from the cloud service provider.

Confidential computing foundation

Leveraging Confidential Computing technology, Contrast provides three defining security properties:

  • Encryption of data in use: Contrast ensures that all data processed in memory is encrypted, making it inaccessible to unauthorized users or systems, even if they have physical access to the hardware.
  • Workload isolation: Each pod runs in its isolated runtime environment, preventing any cross-contamination between workloads, which is critical for multi-tenant infrastructures.
  • Remote attestation: This feature allows data owners and workload operators to verify that the Contrast environment executing their workloads hasn't been tampered with and is running in a secure, pre-approved configuration.

The runtime encryption is transparently provided by the confidential computing hardware during the workload's lifetime. The workload isolation and remote attestation involves two phases:

  • An attestation process detects modifications to the workload image or its runtime environment during the initialization. This protects the workload's integrity pre-attestation.
  • A protected runtime environment and a policy mechanism prevents the platform operator from accessing or compromising the instance at runtime. This protects a workload's integrity and confidentiality post-attestation.

For more details on confidential computing see our whitepaper. The attestation architecture describes Contrast's attestation process and the resulting chain of trust in detail.

Components of a Contrast deployment

Contrast uses the Kubernetes runtime of the Confidential Containers project. Confidential Containers significantly decrease the size of the trusted computing base (TCB) of a Kubernetes deployment, by isolating each pod within its own confidential micro-VM environment. The TCB is the totality of elements in a computing environment that must be trusted not to be compromised. A smaller TCB results in a smaller attack surface. The following diagram shows how Confidential Containers remove the cloud & datacenter infrastructure and the physical hosts, including the hypervisor, the host OS, the Kubernetes control plane, and other components, from the TCB (red). In the confidential context, depicted in green, only the workload containers along with their confidential micro-VM environment are included within the TCB. Their integrity is verifiable through remote attestation.

Contrast uses hardware-based mechanisms, specifically leveraging CPU features, such as AMD SEV or Intel TDX, to provide the isolation of the workload. This implies that both the CPU and its microcode are integral components of the TCB. However, it should be noted that the CPU microcode aspects aren't depicted in the accompanying graphic.

TCB comparison

Contrast adds the following components to a deployment that become part of the TCB. The components that are part of the TCB are:

  • The workload containers: Container images that run the actual application.
  • The runtime environment: The confidential micro-VM that acts as the container runtime.
  • The sidecar containers: Containers that provide additional functionality such as initialization and service mesh.
  • The runtime policies: Policies that enforce the runtime environments for the workload containers during their lifetime.
  • The manifest: A manifest file defining the reference values of an entire confidential deployment. It contains the policy hashes for all pods of the deployment and the expected hardware reference values for the Confidential Container runtime.
  • The Coordinator: An attestation service that runs in a Confidential Container in the Kubernetes cluster. The Coordinator is configured with the manifest. User-facing, you can verify this service and the effective manifest using remote attestation, providing you with a concise attestation for the entire deployment. Cluster-facing, it verifies all pods and their policies based on remote attestation procedures and the manifest.

Personas in a Contrast deployment

In a Contrast deployment, there are three parties:

  • The container image provider, who creates the container images that represent the application that has access to the protected data.

  • The workload operator, who runs the workload in a Kubernetes cluster. The operator typically has full administrative privileges to the deployment. The operator can manage cluster resources such as nodes, volumes, and networking rules, and the operator can interact with any Kubernetes or underlying cloud API.

  • The data owner, who owns the protected data. A data owner can verify the deployment using the Coordinator attestation service. The verification includes the identity, integrity, and confidentiality of the workloads, the runtime environment and the access permissions.

Contrast supports a trust model where the container image provider, workload operator, and data owner are separate, mutually distrusting parties.

The following diagram shows the system components and parties.

Components and parties

Threat model and mitigations

This section describes the threat vectors that Contrast helps to mitigate.

The following attacks are out of scope for this document:

  • Attacks on the application code itself, such as insufficient access controls.
  • Attacks on the Confidential Computing hardware directly, such as side-channel attacks.
  • Attacks on the availability, such as denial-of-service (DOS) attacks.

Possible attacks

Contrast is designed to defend against five possible attacks:

  • A malicious cloud insider: malicious employees or third-party contractors of cloud service providers (CSPs) potentially have full access to various layers of the cloud infrastructure. That goes from the physical datacenter up to the hypervisor and Kubernetes layer. For example, they can access the physical memory of the machines, modify the hypervisor, modify disk contents, intercept network communications, and attempt to compromise the confidential container at runtime. A malicious insider can expand the attack surface or restrict the runtime environment. For example, a malicious operator can add a storage device to introduce new attack vectors. As another example, a malicious operator can constrain resources such as limiting a guest's memory size, changing its disk space, or changing firewall rules.
  • A malicious cloud co-tenant: malicious cloud user ("hackers") may break out of their tenancy and access other tenants' data. Advanced attackers may even be able to establish a permanent foothold within the infrastructure and access data over a longer period. The threats are analogous to the cloud insider access scenario, without the physical access.
  • A malicious workload operator: malicious workload operators, for example Kubernetes administrators, have full access to the workload deployment and the underlying Kubernetes platform. The threats are analogously to the cloud insider access scenario, with access to everything that's above the hypervisor level.
  • A malicious attestation client: this attacker connects to the attestation service and sends malformed request.
  • A malicious container image provider: a malicious container image provider has full control over the application development itself. This attacker might release a malicious version of the workload containing harmful operations.

Attack surfaces

The following table describes the attack surfaces that are available to attackers.

AttackerTargetAttack surfaceRisks
Cloud insiderConfidential Container, WorkloadPhysical memoryAttacker can dump the physical memory of the workloads.
Cloud insider, cloud hacker, workload operatorConfidential Container, WorkloadDisk readsAnything read from the disk is within the attacker's control.
Cloud insider, cloud hacker, workload operatorConfidential Container, WorkloadDisk writesAnything written to disk is visible to an attacker.
Cloud insider, cloud hacker, workload operatorConfidential Container, WorkloadKubernetes Control PlaneInstance attributes read from the Kubernetes control plane, including mount points and environment variables, are within the attacker's control.
Cloud insider, cloud hacker, workload operatorConfidential Container, WorkloadContainer RuntimeThe attacker can use container runtime APIs (for example "kubectl exec") to perform operations on the workload container.
Cloud insider, cloud hacker, workload operatorConfidential Container, WorkloadNetworkIntra-deployment (between containers) as well as external network connections to the image repository or attestation service can be intercepted.
Attestation clientCoordinator attestation serviceAttestation requestsThe attestation service has complex, crypto-heavy logic that's challenging to write defensively.
Container image providerWorkloadWorkloadThis attacker might release an upgrade to the workload containing harmful changes, such as a backdoor.

Threats and mitigations

Contrast shields a workload from the aforementioned threats with three main components:

  1. The runtime environment safeguards against the physical memory and disk attack surface.
  2. The runtime policies safeguard against the Kubernetes control plane and container runtime attack surface.
  3. The service mesh safeguards against the network attack surface.

The following tables describe concrete threats and how they're mitigated in Contrast grouped by these categories:

  • Attacks on the confidential container environment
  • Attacks on the attestation service
  • Attacks on workloads

Attacks on the confidential container environment

This table describes potential threats and mitigation strategies related to the confidential container environment.

ThreatMitigationMitigation implementation
An attacker intercepts the network connection of the launcher or image repository.An attacker can change the image URL and control the workload binary. However these actions are reflected in the attestation report. The image repository isn't controlled using an access list, therefore the image is assumed to be viewable by everyone. You must ensure that the workload container image doesn't contain any secrets.Within the runtime policies and attestation
An attacker modifies the workload image on disk after it was downloaded and measured.This threat is mitigated by a read-only partition that's integrity-protected. The workload image is protected by dm-verity.Within the Contrast runtime environment
An attacker modifies a container's runtime environment configuration in the Kubernetes control plane.The attestation process and the runtime policies detects unsafe configurations that load non-authentic images or perform any other modification to the expected runtime environment.Within the runtime policies and attestation

Attacks on the Coordinator attestation service

This table describes potential threats and mitigation strategies to the attestation service.

ThreatMitigationMitigation implementation
An attacker intercepts the Coordinator deployment and modifies the image or hijacks the runtime environment.This threat is mitigated by having an attestation procedure and attested, encrypted TLS connections to the Coordinator. The attestation evidence for the Coordinator image is distributed with our releases, protected by supply chain security, and fully reproducible.Within the attestation
An attacker intercepts the network connection between the workload and the Coordinator and reads secret keys from the wire.This threat is mitigated by having an attested, encrypted TLS connection. This connection helps protect the secrets from passive eavesdropping. The attacker can't create valid workload certificates that would be accepted in Contrast's service mesh. An attacker can't impersonate a valid workload container because the container's identity is guaranteed by the attestation protocol.Within the network between your workload and the Coordinator.
An attacker exploits parsing discrepancies, which leads to undetected changes in the attestation process.This risk is mitigated by having a parsing engine written in memory-safe Go that's tested against the attestation specification of the hardware vendor. The runtime policies are available as an attestation artifact for further inspection and audits to verify their effectiveness.Within the Coordinator
An attacker uses all service resources, which brings the Coordinator down in a denial of service (DoS) attack.In the future, this reliability risk is mitigated by having a distributed Coordinator service that can be easily replicated and scaled out as needed.Within the Coordinator

Attacks on workloads

This table describes potential threats and mitigation strategies related to workloads.

ThreatMitigationMitigation implementation
An attacker intercepts the network connection between two workload containers.This threat is mitigated by having transparently encrypted TLS connections between the containers in your deployment.Within the service mesh
An attacker reads or modifies data written to disk via persistent volumes.Currently, persistent volumes aren't supported in Contrast. In the future, this threat is mitigated by encrypted and integrity-protected volume mounts.Within the Contrast runtime environment
An attacker publishes a new image version containing malicious code.The attestation process and the runtime policies require a data owner to accept a specific version of the workload and any update to the workload needs to be explicitly acknowledged.Within the attestation

Examples of Contrast's threat model in practice

The following table describes three example use cases and how they map to the defined threat model in this document:

Use CaseExample Scenario
Migrate sensitive workloads to the cloudTechSolve Inc., a software development firm, aimed to enhance its defense-in-depth strategy for its cloud-based development environment, especially for projects involving proprietary algorithms and client data. TechSolve acts as the image provider, workload operator, and data owner, combining all three personas in this scenario. In our attestation terminology, they're the workload operator and relying party in one entity. Their threat model includes a malicious cloud insider and cloud co-tenant.
Make your SaaS more trustworthySaaSProviderX, a company offering cloud-based project management tools, sought to enhance its platform's trustworthiness amidst growing concerns about data breaches and privacy. Here, the relying party is the SaaS customer as the data owner. The goal is to achieve a form of operator exclusion and only allow selective operations on the deployment. Hence, their threat model includes a malicious workload operator.
Simplify regulatory complianceHealthSecure Inc. has been managing a significant volume of sensitive patient data on-premises. With the increasing demand for advanced data analytics and the need for scalable infrastructure, the firm decides to migrate its data analytics operations to the cloud. However, the primary concern is maintaining the confidentiality and security of patient data during and after the migration, in compliance with healthcare regulations. In this compliance scenario, the regulator serves as an additional relying party. HealthSecure must implement a mechanism that ensures the isolation of patient data can be verifiably guaranteed to the regulator.

In each scenario, Contrast ensures exclusive data access and processing capabilities are confined to the designated workloads. It achieves this by effectively isolating the workload from the infrastructure and other components of the stack. Data owners are granted the capability to audit and approve the deployment environment before submitting their data, ensuring a secure handover. Meanwhile, workload operators are equipped to manage and operate the application seamlessly, without requiring direct access to either the workload or its associated data.