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Version: 1.7

Adding a service

Adding a service to your application requires three steps, which are described in the following.

Step 1: Get your service ready for MarbleRun

To get your service ready for MarbleRun, you need to rebuild it with one of the supported runtimes:

Make your service use the provided TLS credentials

Skip this step, when using EGo with TTLS.

Quick refresher: MarbleRun's Coordinator issues TLS credentials for each verified Marble (i.e., a service running in a secure enclave) as is described in the secrets management chapter.

The TLS X.509 certificate and the corresponding private key can be securely passed to a service through files, environment variables, or command line arguments. This is defined in the manifest as is described in the writing a manifest hands-on.

Make sure that your service reads the credentials from one of these sources, e.g., the file /tmp/mycert.cert or the environment variable MY_PRIVATE_KEY, and uses them for internal and external connections. If you're lucky, your service already does this and you don't need to change a thing in the code.

Step 2: Define your service in the manifest

Now that your service is ready, you need to make two types of entries in the manifest regarding its properties and parameters.

Step 2.1: Define the enclave software package

As is described in more detail in the writing a manifest hands-on, the manifest contains a section Packages, in which allowed enclave software packages are defined.

EGo / EdgelessRT

To add an entry for your EGo / EdgelessRT service, run the oesign tool on the enclave file you built in the previous step as follows. (oesign is installed with Edgeless RT.)

oesign eradump -e enclave.signed

The tool's output is similar to the following.

"UniqueID": "6b2822ac2585040d4b9397675d54977a71ef292ab5b3c0a6acceca26074ae585",
"SignerID": "5826218dbe96de0d7b3b1ccf70ece51457e71e886a3d4c1f18b27576d22cdc74",
"SecurityVersion": 1,
"ProductID": 3


To add an entry for your Gramine service, run the gramine-sgx-get-token tool on the .sig file you built in the previous step as follows. (gramine-sgx-get-token is installed with Gramine.)

gramine-sgx-get-token --sig hello.sig

The tool's output is similar to the following.

mr_enclave: 72612ea17be998f098459ff3cdc0daa0d592cec85115db8e152b10fc6df033a7
mr_signer: ed81204cd726dcff2dc4c498bdfcef63a2b02009ef188e7e2914c37a7e99b547
isv_prod_id: 1
isv_svn: 3
attr.flags: 0600000000000000
attr.xfrm: 1f00000000000000
misc_select: 00000000
misc_mask: 00000000
modulus: 09d6497ec75a05a2280974b7e5b39422...
exponent: 3
signature: 4b6db90216e6a5e8447812f7f0107317...
date: 2021-08-18


To add an entry for your Occlum service, run the MarbleRun CLI on the Occlum instance you built in the previous step as follows.

marblerun sgxsdk-package-info ./occlum-instance

The output is similar to the following.

PackageProperties for Occlum image at './occlum-instance':
UniqueID (MRENCLAVE) : ccad2391e0b79d9108209135c26b2c276c5a24f4f55bc67ccf5ab90fd3f5fc22
SignerID (MRSIGNER) : 83d719e77deaca1470f6baf62a4d774303c899db69020f9c70ee1dfc08c7ce9e
ProductID (ISVPRODID) : 1
SecurityVersion (ISVSVN) : 3

Use UniqueID (i.e., MRENCLAVE in Intel SGX speak) or the triplet of SignerID (i.e., MRSIGNER), SecurityVersion, and ProductID to add an entry in the Packages section.

Step 2.2: Define the parameters

Now you can define with which parameters (i.e., files, environment variables, and command line arguments) your service is allowed to run. This is done in the Marbles section of the manifest as is described in the writing a manifest hands-on. When using EGo, define all TTLS connections as described in the manifest hands-on.

Otherwise, as discussed in Step #1, make sure that the TLS credentials for your service (i.e., MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Cert and MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Private) are injected such that your service finds them at runtime.

Step 3: Start your service

When you start your service, you need to pass in a couple of configuration parameters through environment variables. Here is an example:

EDG_MARBLE_COORDINATOR_ADDR=coordinator-mesh-api.marblerun:2001 \
EDG_MARBLE_TYPE=mymarble \
EDG_MARBLE_DNS_NAMES=localhost,myservice \
erthost enclave.signed

erthost is the generic host for EdgelessRT Marbles, which will load your enclave.signed. For EGo (ego marblerun), Gramine (gramine-sgx), and Occlum (occlum run) use their particular launch mechanism instead.

The environment variables have the following purposes.

  • EDG_MARBLE_COORDINATOR_ADDR is the network address of the Coordinator's API for Marbles. When you deploy the Coordinator using the Helm repository as is described in the deploying MarbleRun hands-on, the default address is coordinator-mesh-api.marblerun:2001.

  • EDG_MARBLE_TYPE needs to reference one entry from your manifest's Marbles section.

  • EDG_MARBLE_UUID_FILE is the local file path where the Marble stores its UUID. Every instance of a Marble has its unique and public UUID. The file is needed to allow a Marble to restart under its UUID.

  • EDG_MARBLE_DNS_NAMES is the list of DNS names and IPs the Coordinator will issue the Marble's certificate for.

Optionally, you can set the EDG_LOG_FORMAT environment variable to json to enable JSON structured logs for the Marble's startup code.

Step 4: Deploy your service with Kubernetes

Typically, you'll write a Kubernetes resource definition for your service, which you'll deploy with the Kubernetes CLI, Helm, or similar tools.

For your services to take advantage of MarbleRun, they need to be "added to the mesh" by having the data plane configuration injected into their pods. This is typically done by labeling the deployment, or pod with the marblerun/marbletype Kubernetes label. This label triggers automatic configuration injection when the resources are created. (See auto injection for more on how this works.)

An example for a Marble of type web could look like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: web
namespace: emojivoto
labels: web emojivoto v1
marblerun/marbletype: web

This will result in the following configuration being injected when your resources are created:

- env:
value: coordinator-mesh-api.marblerun:2001
value: web
value: "web,web.emojivoto,web.emojivoto.svc.cluster.local"
value: "$PWD/uuid"

Refer to the emojivoto app for complete Helm chart examples.