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Version: 1.5

Defining a manifest

The manifest is a simple JSON file that determines the key properties of your cluster: Packages, Marbles, Secrets, Users, Roles, RecoveryKeys, TLS, and Config. This article describes how to define these in your manifest.json.

For a working example see the manifest of the emojivoto demo. See also the sample and template manifests.


The Packages section of the manifest lists all the secure enclave software packages that your application uses. A package is defined by the following properties.

  • UniqueID: this value will pin this package to one specific release build of an application. It represents the globally unique ID of the enclave software package; on SGX, this corresponds to the MRENCLAVE value, which is the SHA-256 hash of the enclave's initial contents and its configuration.
  • SignerID: this value limits MarbleRun to only accept releases signed by a given public key. On SGX, this corresponds to the MRSIGNER value, which is the SHA-256 hash of the enclave issuer's RSA-3072 public key.
  • ProductID: an integer that uniquely identifies the enclave software for a given SignerID. Can only be used in conjunction with SignerID.
  • SecurityVersion: an integer that reflects the security-patch level of the enclave software. Can only be used in conjunction with SignerID.
  • Debug: set to true if the enclave is to be run in debug mode. This allows you to experiment with deploying your application with MarbleRun without having to worry about setting correct values for the above properties, but note that enclaves in debug mode aren't secure.
  • AcceptedTCBStatuses: a list of acceptable TCB statuses a Marble is allowed to start with. You can use this option to allow Marbles to run on machines whose TCB is out-of-date. If not set, it defaults to ["UpToDate", "SWHardeningNeeded"].

The following gives an example of a simple Packages section with made-up values.

// ...
"Packages": {
"backend": {
"UniqueID": "6b2822ac2585040d4b9397675d54977a71ef292ab5b3c0a6acceca26074ae585",
"Debug": false,
"AcceptedTCBStatuses": [
"frontend": {
"SignerID": "43361affedeb75affee9baec7e054a5e14883213e5a121b67d74a0e12e9d2b7a",
"ProductID": 43,
"SecurityVersion": 3,
"Debug": true
// ...

In this example, backend is identified through UniqueID. Since UniqueID is the hash of the enclave software package, this means that backend can't be updated. (That' s because any update to the package will change the hash.)

In contrast, frontend is identified through the triplet SignerID, ProductID, and SecurityVersion. SignerID cryptographically identifies the vendor of the package; ProductID is an arbitrary product ID chosen by the vendor, and SecurityVersion is the security-patch level of the product. See the adding a service hands-on on how to get these values for a given service.


Marbles represent the actual services in your mesh. They're defined in the Marbles section, which typically looks somewhat like the following example.

// ...
"Marbles": {
"backendFirst": {
"Package": "backend",
"MaxActivations": 1,
"Parameters": {
"Files": {
"/tmp/defg.txt": "foo",
"/tmp/jkl.mno": "bar",
"/tmp/pqr.ust": {
"Data": "Zm9vCmJhcg==",
"Encoding": "base64",
"NoTemplates": true
"Env": {
"IS_FIRST": "true",
"ROOT_CA": "{{ pem .MarbleRun.RootCA.Cert }}",
"MARBLE_CERT": "{{ pem .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Cert }}",
"MARBLE_KEY": "{{ pem .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Private }}"
"Argv": [
"TLS": [
"frontend": {
"Package": "frontend",
"Parameters": {
"Env": {
"ROOT_CA": "{{ pem .MarbleRun.RootCA.Cert }}",
"MARBLE_CERT": "{{ pem .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Cert }}",
"MARBLE_KEY": "{{ pem .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Private }}"
"TLS": [
"frontendTLS1", "frontendTLS2"

Each Marble corresponds to a Package and defines a set of optional TLS Tags and Parameters:

  • Files: Files and their contents
  • Env: Environment variables
  • Argv: Command line arguments

Files and Env

Entries for these types can be defined in two ways:

  • By using a direct mapping of filename to content: "<FileName>": "<Content>"

  • By specifying an encoding for the content, and optionally, if the content contains templates:

    "<FileName>": {
    "Data": "<Content>",
    "Encoding": "<EncodingType>",
    "NoTemplates": true/false
    • Data: The file content
    • Encoding: Allows users to encode the Data field of the manifest. Marbles receive the decoded value. The following options are available:
      • string: No encoding. This is the default
      • base64: The manifest contains Data in Base64. This can be useful to set content that can otherwise not be parsed in JSON format, or to avoid having to worry about correctly escaping newlines in a multi-line document
      • hex: Same as base64, but Hex Encoding is used instead
    • NoTemplates: If this flag is set, content in Data isn't processed for templates. Use this if your file contains Go Templates structures that shouldn't be interpreted by MarbleRun.


Command line arguments are defined as an array. Entries are passed to the Marble in order, with the first being argv[0]. Usually, argv[0] is expected to be the name of the executable. Templates aren't supported.

The general format is the following:

"Argv": [


Parameters are passed from the Coordinator to secure enclaves (i.e., Marbles) after successful initial remote attestation. In the remote attestation step, the Coordinator ensures that enclaves run the software defined in the Packages section. It's important to note that Parameters are only accessible from within the corresponding secure enclave. Parameters may contain arbitrary static data. However, they can also be used to securely communicate different types of dynamically generated cryptographic keys and certificates to Marbles. For this, you can use Go Templates with the following syntax.

{{ <encoding> <name of secret> }}

The following encoding types are available to both Files and Env:

  • hex: hex string
  • base64: Base64 encoding
  • pem: PEM encoding with a header matching the type of the requested key or certificate

The following encoding types are only available to Files:

  • raw: raw bytes

The following encoding types are only available to Env:

  • string: similar to raw, but doesn't allow NULL bytes. Since the content in non-user-defined secrets is random, and can't be controlled, only secrets with UserDefined set to true are allowed to use this encoding.

The following named keys and certificates are always available.

  • .MarbleRun.RootCA.Cert: the root certificate of the cluster issued by the Coordinator; this can be used to verify the certificates of all Marbles in the cluster.
  • .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Cert: the Marble's certificate; this is issued by the .MarbleRun.RootCA.Cert and is for Marble-to-Marble and Marble-to-client authentication.
  • .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Private: the Marble's private key corresponding to .MarbleRun.MarbleCert.Cert

Finally, the optional field MaxActivations can be used to restrict the number of distinct instances that can be created of a Marble.


The previous section discussed how certain cryptographic keys and certificates can be injected into a Marble's Parameters using Go Templates. In addition, MarbleRun also allows for the specification of custom cryptographic keys and certificates in the Secrets section. A typical Secrets section looks like the following.

"Secrets": {
"secretAESKey": {
"Type": "symmetric-key",
"Size": 128,
"Shared": true
"rsaCert": {
"Type": "cert-rsa",
"Size": 2048,
"Shared": false,
"ValidFor": 7,
"Cert": {
"Subject": {
"CommonName": "MarbleRun Unit Test"
"secretKeyUnset": {
"Type": "symmetric-key",
"Size": 128,
"UserDefined": true

When defining a custom key or certificate, the following fields are available.

  • Type: can be either symmetric-key for a symmetric encryption key, cert-rsa, cert-ecdsa, cert-ed25519 or plain. Secrets of type plain contain arbitrary data uploaded by users, and are never generated by the Coordinator.
  • Size: the size of the key in bits. For symmetric keys, this needs to be a multiple of 8. For ECDSA, this needs to map to a curve supported by Go's crypto library, currently: 224, 256, 384, or 521. For Ed25519, this should be omitted.
  • Shared (default: false): specifies if the secret should be shared across all Marbles (true), or if the secret should be uniquely generated for each Marble (false). See Secrets management for more info.
  • ValidFor (only for certificates, default: 365): validity of the certificate in days; can't be specified in combination with the NotAfter.
  • Cert (only for certificates): allows for the specification of additional X.509 certificate properties. See below for details.
  • UserDefined (default: false): specifies if the secret should be generated by MarbleRun (false), or if it will be uploaded by a user later (true).

Available Cert fields

When specifying a custom certificate in the Secrets section, the following properties can be set. These map directly to Go's x509.Certificate structure. (This is because the Coordinator is written in Go.)

"Cert": {
"SignatureAlgorithm": 0,
"Subject": {
"Country": null,
"Organization": null,
"OrganizationalUnit": null,
"Locality": null,
"Province": null,
"StreetAddress": null,
"PostalCode": null,
"CommonName": "",
"Names": null,
"ExtraNames": null
"NotAfter": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"KeyUsage": 0,
"ExtKeyUsage": null,
"UnknownExtKeyUsage": null,
"MaxPathLen": 0,
"MaxPathLenZero": false,
"SubjectKeyId": null,
"AuthorityKeyId": null,
"OCSPServer": null,
"IssuingCertificateURL": null,
"DNSNames": null,
"EmailAddresses": null,
"IPAddresses": null,
"URIs": null,
"PermittedDNSDomainsCritical": false,
"PermittedDNSDomains": null,
"ExcludedDNSDomains": null,
"PermittedIPRanges": null,
"ExcludedIPRanges": null,
"PermittedEmailAddresses": null,
"ExcludedEmailAddresses": null,
"PermittedURIDomains": null,
"ExcludedURIDomains": null,
"CRLDistributionPoints": null,
"PolicyIdentifiers": null

Typically, you only define a subset of these. Commonly used properties include for example:

  • DNSNames
  • IPAdresses
  • KeyUsage & ExtKeyUsage
  • Subject (+ children)

The following X.509 properties can't be specified because they're set by the Coordinator when creating a certificate.

  • Issuer: always set to "MarbleRun Coordinator"
  • SerialNumber: always set to a unique, random value
  • BasicConstraintsValid: always set to "true"
  • NotBefore: always set to the host time at creation

Injecting custom secrets

Keys and certificates defined in the Secrets section can be injected via Parameters using the following syntax.

{{ <encoding> .Secrets.<name>.<part> }}

Refer to the previous section for a list of supported encodings. <part> can be any of the following.

  • empty: for secret type symmetric-key, returns the symmetric key. For secret type plain, returns the secret data. For other types, returns the public key.
  • Cert: returns the certificate.
  • Public: returns the public key.
  • Private: returns the private key.

The following gives some examples.

  • Inject the certificate of custom secret rsaCert in PEM format: {{ pem .Secrets.rsaCert.Cert }}
  • Inject the corresponding private key in PKCS#8 format: {{ raw .Secrets.rsaCert.Private }}
  • Inject the corresponding public key PKIX-encoded and in PEM format: {{ pem .Secrets.rsaCert.Public }}
  • Inject a symmetric key in hex format: {{ hex .Secrets.secretAESKey }}


The optional entry Users defines user credentials and role bindings for authentication and access control. Each user is authenticated via a client certificate. The certificate needs to be specified as a PEM-encoded self-signed X.509 certificate. Users with the appropriate roles can update a manifest and read or write secrets.

"Users": {
"alice": {
"Certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFPjCCA...",
"Roles": [
"bob": {
"Certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFP...",
"Roles": [

When verifying certificates in this context, MarbleRun ignores their issuer, subject, and expiration date fields. Thus, users can't lock themselves out through expired certificates.

Use OpenSSL to generate a compatible certificate.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout admin_private.key -out admin_certificate.crt

Use the following command to preserve newlines correctly:

awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' admin_certificate.pem


MarbleRun supports Role-based access control (RBAC). An RBAC Role represents a set of permissions for a MarbleRun User. Permissions are purely additive (there are no "deny" rules). Each role defines a ResourceType (one of Packages or Secrets), a list of ResourceNames of that type, and a list of Actions that role permits on the listed resources.

Valid Actions are:

  • For "ResourceType": "Secrets": ReadSecret and WriteSecret, allowing reading and writing a secret respectively
  • For "ResourceType": "Packages": UpdateSecurityVersion, allowing to update the SecurityVersion of a given package
  • For "ResourceType": "Manifest": UpdateManifest, allowing to update the full manifest (MarbleRun Enterprise only)

Assigning a role with the UpdateManifest action to multiple users enables multi-party manifest update: each of the users can upload a manifest, but all other users must acknowledge this manifest.

"Roles": {
"updateFrontend": {
"ResourceType": "Packages",
"ResourceNames": ["frontend"],
"Actions": ["UpdateSecurityVersion"]
"updateBackend": {
"ResourceType": "Packages",
"ResourceNames": ["backend"],
"Actions": ["UpdateSecurityVersion"]
"secretManager": {
"ResourceType": "Secrets",
"ResourceNames": [
"Actions": [
"updateManifest": {
"ResourceType": "Manifest",
"Actions": ["UpdateManifest"]

Deployment updates will only be possible if you create a role with permissions to update the particular packages and bind a user to that role. The same applies for setting user-defined secrets.


The optional entry RecoveryKeys holds PEM-encoded RSA public keys that can be used to recover a failed MarbleRun deployment.

"recoveryKey1": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBpTANBgk..."

You can generate this key with OpenSSL:

openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 4096
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -pubout -out public_key.pem

Use the following command to preserve newlines correctly:

awk 1 ORS='\\n' public_key.pem

Multi-party recovery


This feature is an option with MarbleRun Enterprise.

To enable multi-party recovery, first ask the other parties to generate key pairs as described above and receive their public keys via an authenticated channel.

Add all public keys to the manifest:

"admin": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...",
"dataProtectionOfficer": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...",
"collaborator": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n..."



The Transparent TLS feature is currently only available for EGo and Edgeless RT Marbles. Gramine and Occlum aren't supported yet.

The TLS entry holds a list of tags which can be used in a Marble's definition. Each tag can define multiple Incoming and Outgoing connections. To elevate the connection between two marbles to TLS, the client needs to set the server under Outgoing and the server needs to define its service under Incoming.

Outgoing connections are defined by Port and Addr. For Addr, you can use both IP addresses and domains, e.g., the DNS names of other services.

Incoming connections are defined by Port. For services used by external clients, you must disable client authentication by setting DisableClientAuth to true and set Cert. Use the name of a certificate defined in the Secrets section.

"frontendTLS1": {
"Outgoing": [
"Port": "8080",
"Addr": ""
"Port": "4443",
"Addr": ""
"Incoming": [
"Port": "8443"
"Port": "8080",
"Cert": "rsaCert",
"DisableClientAuth": true
"backendFirstTLS": {
// ...

On startup, a Marble logs its effective TTLS policy. This helps to verify that the manifest configuration is applied as intended.


The optional entry Config holds configuration settings for the Coordinator.

"SealMode": "ProductKey",
"FeatureGates": []

SealMode lets you specify how the Coordinator should seal its state. The following options are available:

  • ProductKey: Sealing uses the product key. This is the default if not set.
  • UniqueKey: Sealing uses the unique key.
  • Disabled: In single instance mode, the Coordinator won't persist state. This can be useful for ephemeral deployments. For distributed Coordinator mode, this setting is the same as UniqueKey.

See the section on seal key types for more information.

FeatureGates allows you to opt-in to additional features that may be useful for certain use cases. The following features are available: