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Version: 1.7

Monitoring and logging

/status endpoint of client API

For status information, the Coordinator provides the /status endpoint in the client API. It returns the following information:

  • 1 recovery mode: Either upload a key to unseal the saved state, or set a new manifest. Waiting for user input on /recover.
  • 2 waiting for a manifest: Coordinator is ready to accept a manifest. Waiting for user input on /manifest
  • 3 accepting marbles: Coordinator is running correctly and ready to accept Marbles through the Marble API

Kubernetes logs

If you are running on a Kubernetes cluster, details about the Coordinator can be retrieved through its log as follows.

kubectl -n marblerun logs -f marblerun-coordinator-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx


To enable the Coordinators Prometheus instrumentation, set an environment variable with the address the Prometheus exporter should run at:


The exporter then serves the /metrics endpoint under that address.

Here are the most important metrics for your monitoring setup:

  • The state of the Coordinator. See the listing above for interpretation of status codes.

    coordinator_state 1
  • Build and version information of the Coordinator.

    coordinator_version_info{commit="bd505dca04f78da57e2330263f9076839d906267",version="0.4.0"} 0
  • Marble activations are labeled with the Marbles type and UUID.

    marble_activations_total{type="frontend",uuid="4aac36cc-bbea-4db3-89ff-078ccad738f6"} 1
    marble_activations_success_total{type="frontend",uuid="4aac36cc-bbea-4db3-89ff-078ccad738f6"} 1
  • gRPC metrics of the Marble API with prefix grpc_server

  • HTTP metrics of the client API with prefix server_client_api_http

Going forward, plans are having a web dashboard with status and health information accessible.